Passive Cooled Enclosures & Shelters
These enclosures are completely passive without any moving parts and use thermo-syphon principle to provide reduction in the temperature which improves battery life.
These enclosures can also be used for housing small electronic equipment.
The Passive Cooled Shelters are custom designed and manufactured based on the heat dissipation characteristic of equipment to be in housed and the ambient temperature required
Batteries are operated at 25°C specify Battery ratings for capacity & life expectancy.
Experience shows that the battery operating temperature is less by 12°C to 14°C when the peak ambient temperature is 50°C to 52°C.
- 6m2- 12 m2 (depending upon heat dissipation characteristic of equipment to be in-housed and the ambient temperature required)
- Microwave stations, Satellite communication - Earth stations, Base repeater stations, Power stations, Switching stations, Gas & Oil pipelines SCADA station.
Operating Temperature